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Instagram For Choral Programs

I have an Instagram page for my chorus program: @bsmschorus. I started off slow when I first created it, and didn’t post very often. But now, I’m really starting to see how useful Instagram can be for a choral program. Technology can be a beautiful thing.


Here's how I've been using Instagram recently:


People know less about choral programs than we think. Over the years, I’ve heard a wide range of comments from other teachers in my own building, like:


“You guys are pretty much like coaches, right?”

“Well, you may only have one planning period, but you don’t have to deal with standardized testing or assessment.”

“Do you do anything else besides just sing?”


….and my personal favorite:


“ Do you really need to teach your students to read music?”


Instagram provides a window into our little corner of the world. (Literally a corner if you’re school is like mine, and the fine arts department lives in their own wing, separated from everyone else in the building.) Parents, administrators, other teachers, other students in the school, and the community at large need to know that we do a lot to engage with our kids on a daily basis! My classes are definitely a little more involved than a “y’all come sing” situation.


I used InstaStories at all-state last weekend to document our time in Charleston, and saved it as a highlight to be viewed at any time on our page.


Through tagging or direct messaging (DM’s), students have the ability to send you pictures and videos for assignments or projects. Prior to our Chromebook roll out , I gave my classes the option of submitting their calendar photos through Instagram.


InstaStories are a great way to send our quick announcements when you want to remind students and parents of something, but not necessarily by adding a whole big thing to your feed. I sent a reminder about fundraiser turn-in last night via this method!


I’ve also posted notifications about new posts on the blog. Is this blogception? Yes/No?


Students have DM’ed me a few times to ask me quick questions about assignments or after school events. It’s nice to have another means to get in touch with them, and they with me, if we need it.


Our Instagram page is public, so anyone can view it without being invited. Parents, current students, former students, and friends of chorus students all follow our page. Plus, I get younger siblings of my students, teachers, etc. that also follow us. I’ve even had other music education Instagram pages follow our page!

What Other Social Media Do You Use?

I haven’t ventured into the world of Snapchat, and I haven’t made a Facebook page for my choral program. At least not yet.


I created a website last year, but find myself not updating it. I know, I’m a slacker. What social media or other communication apps do you find helpful for your own programs?


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